Recording Fee: $25.00 for the 1st page and $4.00 each additional page INDEXING OVER 5 NAMES (COUNTING BOTH GRANTOR & GRANTEE) ADD $0.25 PER NAME
Assumed Name: $24.00
Abandonment: $23.00
Marks & Brands: $25.00
Plats: $170.00 (Additional page +$75.00)
Marriage License: $81.00
Informal Marriage License: $52.00
Birth Certificate: $23.00
Death Certificate: $21.00
Notice: $2.00
Discharge: No Fee
USB Hard Drive 1856-1967: $810.30
USB Hard Drive 1967-1994 with postage: $111.32
USB Hard Drive w/o Postage: $111.32
USB Hard Drive 1995 to Present: $357.30
Plat Download to Present: $76.00
Debt/Contract w/o Citation: $350.00
Non-Disclosure: $350.00
Appeals: $350.00
Counter Claim: $120.00
Cross Action: $120.00
Interpleader: $120.00
Intervention: $120.00
Third Party: $120.00
Contest w/o Citation: $120.00
Dependent Administration w/o Citation: $360.00
Foreign Will: $360.00
Independent Administration w/o Citation: $360.00
Muniment of Title w/o Citation: $360.00
Open Safety Deposit Box: $360.00
Small Estate Proceedings: $360.00
Guardianships Adult/Minor w/o Citation: $360.00
Sale of Property w/o Guardianship: $360.00
Annual Account: $27.00
Annual Report: $12.00
Account for Final Settlement: $27.00
Application within an Existing Estate w/o Citation: $120.00
Application on Sale of Personal Property w/o Citation: $27.00
Application on Sale of Real Property w/o Citation: $27.00
Claim: $10.00
Counter Claim w/o Citation: $120.00
Cross Action w/o Citation: $120.00
Interpleader w/o Citation: $120.00
Intervention w/o Citation: $120.00
Third Party w/o Citation: $120.00
Contest w/o Citation: $120.00
Final Account w/o Citation: $27.00
Final Report w/o Citation: $27.00
Inventory (filed after the 90th day): $27.00
Oath: $2.00
Proposed Order: $2.00
Bond Approval Fee: $5.00
Certified Copy: $5.00
Exemplified Copy: $5.00
Copies (Non-Certified): $1.00
Issuance of Abstract of Judgment: $8.00
Issuance of Citation: $8.00
Letters Testamentary/Administration/Guardianship: $2.00
Issuance of Subpoena: $8.00
Issuance of Writ: $8.00
Judge's Signature: $2.00
Jury Demand Fee: $40.00
Service - Sheriff - Order of Sale: $200.00
Service - Sheriff - Personal Service: $150.00
Service - Sheriff - Posting: $100.00
Service - Sheriff - Writ: $250.00
Service - Sheriff - All Other: $100.00